4 de noviembre de 2011

Losing the RACE to erase RACISM

Americans are engaged in a war over a word: racism. Thus began Charies M. Blow in a July 2010 op-ed piece in The New York Times.
The article, "Obama's 'Race' War," did not slow the debate, which continued through the 2010 elections ans into the new Congress with the election of Tea Party candidates who dragged discrimination , inmigration, and even "birttier" issues into another year.

Blow reported four months later that there also exists on the American political scene a "sentiment that the current racial discontent is being fueled by a black liberal grievance industry that refuses to acknowledge racial progress, accept personal responsability, or acknowledge its own racial transgressions."

He cites Harvard University, University of Washington, and University of Virginia  data to note that racial prejudice is a two-way street. In tests taken between 2000 and 2006, three- quarters of whites were found to have implicit pro-white/anti-black feelings while 40% of blacks posses a pro-black/anti-white bias. Self-reporting in an ABC News poll in 2009, 34% of whites admitted for "some feeleings of racial prejudice" while 38% of blacks admitted the same. This seems to be the way we are.

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2 comentarios:

  1. I liked the idea of lose the race, because al the people are the same,I mean, all of us are humans, and that is the only matter.

  2. To demostrate to all the people that we are humans is the fight we have with the society.
